
Monday 14 January 2013

BA5 Project 1 - Further concept refining

After speaking with Nigel on Friday, I came away with some new considerations for my character design when it came to animation. Since the creation of my character, I had begun to realize that even a character like the 'hamster seed' that I designed would be very difficult to animate at my level of skill and drawing consistency. I had already recognized an issue I have with keeping something looking similar in multiple poses and positions. While I wanted to work on this a little, I knew it was unrealistic to attempt to do so and also successfully place my asset within a game engine in the time left to me.

Nigel spoke about creating a character that still was 'seedlike', but would be less fluid/animalistic in animation. Having viewed a few videos on animation for animals, I was inclined to agree.

Nigel suggested using a design that was more upright and stiff in nature, which would mean less animation would be required to create something smooth than if I had stuck with an animal design. I set out, at first, trying to keep my drawing looking consistent through opposite stages of the walk. While this design is very simple, I think it has a similar look to the previous design, except upright. Another thing I decided to implement into my design was the inclusion of more a more flowing interpretation of the leaves on the creature's head. While this makes them less clearly leaves, I feel it synergizes better with Stina's twirling, entwined background. I left the body of the creature blocky and simplified, so it would still stand out against what was behind it.

I also spoke to Lothar, and eased some of my confusions/worries in regards to the brief. While it was originally thought that we would have to design a fully realized level, it seems as though just implementing a functional asset within even just a screen's worth of space would be acceptable providing it was interactive and worked well. This is a relief, considering I thought I would have to create far more terrain than I now do.

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