
Sunday 27 January 2013

BA5 - Changes

I managed to solve the aforementioned problem by importing my frames in as small sheets, instead of individual frames. Stencyl splits each frame up well enough, and seems happier with it when I do this. I currently have my character walking and idle, using the platforming behaviour set Stencyl provides. I encountered some issues getting this off of the ground, due to behaviour problems.

An explanation of behaviours, as far as I can tell from tutorials and help sites:

Camera follow player: Means that the game scrolls with my character, as opposed to my character making his way through static screens that change when you reach the edge. This will probably have to be modified when I place my character in Stina's environment, as she's been talking about having the character reach the edge and causing the scene to transition around it. For my own tests, it's suitable.

Walking: Walking behaviours, including the animations, speed, controls, and acceleration.

Always Simulate: Continues simulating the actor even when going off screen. Prevents character freezes when the player actor moves outside of the screen. I might need to experiment with this in Stina's environment, due to the above transition behaviour.

On Ground: Necessary for the walking/jumping/dashing animations to function -- determines if a player is on the ground and sets appropriate attributes. This was one of the reasons my character wouldn't walk originally, but not the main one.

Die in Pit: Respawns the actor and resets the level if they fall into a pit.

Animation Manager: Prioritizes and manages animation requests and changes. Not having this enabled was the reason my character was originally walking by gliding eerily across the terrain in his idle animation. The walking animation did not have priority over the idle animation without this behaviour, so couldn't take over.

A cap of the animation screen is above to show my functioning frames. I had to tweak the origin points a bit, as Stencyl was setting custom ones and causing my character to jump a little whenever I changed direction. The walk is simple, but I have added detail in the movement of the character's shoots and the realignment of his eyes.

Here's a link to the game in its current form. I'm using a background and tileset that came with the program, so as not to have to worry about creating those just to test my character.


If the link doesn't work, manually right click and open in tab. Pop up blockers don't like it.

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