
Thursday 14 February 2013

Last minute game fixes & completion.

Fixed the scrolling issue in S2 -- the scene wouldn't pan with a camera follow actor behaviour and the seedling would just stop dead in the middle of the fall. Fixed this by creating a gradient background in photoshop, loading it into Stencyl and setting it to vertically scroll upwards at a speed of 90. This allowed the whole scene to pan without looping at the same rate the seed fell. I also created a separate seed actor duplicate and removed the 'die in pit' behaviour, which appears to have stopped the problem where the seed would stop midway due to scene boundary limits.

I also added a start and end screen. For the end screen, Stina provided the artwork and I followed her example to create a 'Thanks for playing' actor that looped the player back round to the start of the game. For the start screen, I created the text, interactive actor 'Start Game' and used Stina's atwork to create an opening screen. I achieved this by layering the two colours of background over each other and using a soft eraser at Stina's advice to blend the two.

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