
Sunday 8 January 2012

12 Principles of Animation -- Examples.


Good -- TF2 Pyro taunt. The pyro draws back to prepare for the attack. There is a moment of stillness, and then the attack is unleashed.

Pyro Hadouken

Slow out and slow in:

Bad -- Jade Empire running. When a character in Jade Empire runs, it goes from a complete standstill to flat out without any inbetween. This looks unrealistic and awkward.

Jade Empire Running

Ghost Trick -- An example of almost everything done right.

Ghost Trick is well known for its well done animation. The following clip shows good examples of appeal, slow out and in, secondary action, straight ahead & pose to pose, anticipation, staging, exaggeration, timing and solid drawing.

Ghost Trick.

Another example:

Ghost Trick Panic Dance.

In game.

Secondary Action: The keys on the police officer and the scarf/coat on the detective.

The following clip is an example of everything in animation done wrong, and the creators should be ashamed. Solid drawing is the principle most soiled.

Gee, it sure is boring around here.

- Animation all moves at around the same speed, giving no impression of depth, urgency or life.
- Characters change shape, volume and form inconsistantly.
- Arms and heads move awkwardly, without real knowledge of arcing or anatomy.
- No follow through. Things stop abruptly.

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