
Thursday 2 May 2013

Space Measles.

Working as a chemist in SS13 generally involves creating helpful medicines in pill and bottled liquid form for various purposes, such as healing, or an improved job performance. They are capable of dispensing various chemicals in their pure forms, or mixing these chemicals together to create others. In special circumstances, the chemist is able to provide cures for various diseases that crop up around the station, providing they are not too complex or resilient. In those cases, a virologist is required.

Health analysers are carried by most employees in the medbay, and can advise on any issues with a patient. The readout appears as follows:
  • Temperature
  • Damage Type
  • Overall health percentage
  • Blood Type
  • Medical ID
  • Infection warning (only appears if there is one)
The comic below is a commentary on how, sometimes, despite all skepticism and common sense, gamers will mindlessly follow the instructions given to them by a game. This is based on my own experiences playing a chemist.


I'm no actual chemist, but I'm fairly sure that consuming 50 units of pure lab ethanol in pill form would probably kill you. SS13 seems pretty insistent that you just get drunk for a really, really long time, though.

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