
Thursday 3 May 2012

East vs West

Eastern and Western games -- Innate power vs Power gained from an outside source.

From experience and general culture, it was assumed that Japanese games would focus more on spirituality, inner power, chi, etc. While this seems to be the case in older games, more recent ones have begun to focus on external power sources as well.

Inner power:

1987: Street Fighter.

1990: Actriser

1991: FF4. Magic users are born to a specific village and the ability is hereditary.

1993: Illusion of Gaia

1994: FF6

1995: Chrono Trigger.

2000: FF9

External Source:

1997: FF7. Humans use 'materia' in order to be able to perform magic. Materia is crystallized mako, which is part of the planet's lifestream. Naturally occuring.

1998: FF8.

Legend of Legaia, Legend of Dragoon.

2002: Phoenix Wright. The spirit channelling technique within the game is a skill that comes from within some of the main and secondary characters. However, the main character uses the psyche lock skill as a weapon against those who are not forthcoming with information and blocking him from completing investigations. To do this, the main character uses a magatama. While the lock technique is part of a spiritual skill, the main character has to use an external item to do it. A crossover of sorts, religious in origin.

Bayonetta: Witches of dark and light draw power from 'heaven' and 'hell' in order to perform their magics. Modern day (both in setting and development).


External Source:

Bioshock 1/2:

Characters within Bioshock use plasmids in order to attack and defend themselves. Plasmids are enhancements created from a substance called ADAM, which in turn is harvested from the stem cells of sea slugs. Scientific in origin.

Deus Ex:

Augmentation. Augmentation is the act of improving a human being by using cybernetics, nanites and nano-technological implants or psychological conditioning and pharmaceutical drugs, this way creating an advanced super-human, generally much superior to an ordinary one. Scientific in origin.

Torchlight. Alchemists use ember in order to fuel their magic and potions. Due to the nature of alchemy, scientific in origin.

Prototype: Protagonist is the former head researcher at a corrupt organization. After escaping with a vial containing a virus (part of his research), the protagonist is exposed to the contents and develops special powers. Physical capabilities are increased and he is able to absorb the appearance, skills and memories of others. Scientific in origin.

inFAMOUS: As a result from the explosive blast originating from a device called the 'Ray Sphere', Cole gained electicity based superpowers. This power is also innate, to a degree, as the Ray Sphere only unlocks abilities in those with the conduit gene. The conduit gene is a natural mutation in humans and some animals. Scientific/evolutionary in origin.

Inner power:

Fable: Will 

Jade Empire (based in the East). Uses a chi system.


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